
2024年9月9日、17日、25日 開催



¥3,000 (お弁当代は自己負担となります)

■Booking form
人気ツアーの為、直前でのキャンセルは、お控えをお願いいいたします。 万一、ご都合が悪くなった場合には、お早めにご連絡をお願いします。 ===

■What you'll do
You are vegan but still want to enjoy Japanese food during your trip? It might seem difficult at first but no worries, you can!! In this tour we will introduce our favorite restaurants around Shibuya station, to enjoy VEGAN JAPANESE DELICIOUS food.
Just interested in a vegan diet? You are of course welcome too!!

We will meet inside of shibuya-san and from there take a walk to 6 restaurants that offer vegan Japanese food (not all of them are 100% vegan, but they all have 100% vegan options).
At each restaurant we will introduce the place as well as its vegan menu. While walking, you will have time to ask us anything you are curious about and to exchange with the other participants.
The tour will take about 90 minutes (depending on walking speed and questions). If you have gotten hungry and still have some time afterwards, we can grab some food at our last stop to regain energy (food is not included in the tour price).
