
a shibuya-san original event

For all of you who get excited and inspired by exchanging with people from different backgrounds and cultures, we made this event for YOU!
Enjoy one night of exchange and fun in a 3D environment(1D= an amazing DJ, 2D= delicious Drinks, 3D= the Diversity of our guests).
All our guests are open for exchange, they are respectful and tolerant, so just feel comfortable and confident. Join with friends or on your own!

Our rules: respect, tolerance, no nanpa

9th August, 19:00-22:00

[Entry fee]
1,500¥ (1 drink incl.)
Drinks from 300¥


"shibuya-san tourist information & art center", located on the 1F of Shibuya Fukuras, in front of JR Shibuya station's west exit. We have exhibitions, space to chat/work/relax (with free WiFi and plugs), events, workshops and a bar. Our international staff knows Shibuya very well and can recommend nice spots for every mood. It is a place where people, regardless of nationality, skin color, gender etc. can have a good time together. We promote intercultural exchange and international friendship! :)

[Please note]
In order to ensure a good experiance for everyone, we reserve the right to refuse bookings from the following types of guests:
○ People who do not show up without any notice
○ Those who promote their business, religion, events or try to hit on someone etc.
○ Those who cause trouble for our staff, our facility or other participants etc.shibuya-sanオリジナルイベントshibuya-sanオリジナルイベント

イベントタイトルの「Shibuya 3D」とは「1D=DJ、 2D=ドリンク、3D=ダイバーシティ」スペシャルな音楽とドリンクを準備していますので、世界中の人と国際交流を楽しみましょう!



8月9日(金) 19時-22時

1,500円 (1 drink付)


渋谷区道玄坂1-2-3 渋谷フクラス1F(東急プラザ渋谷1F)
"shibuya-san tourist information & art center"は渋谷JR駅西口から3分、渋谷フクラスの1階にあります。

shibuya-san では国籍、肌の色や性別など関係なく、色々な方が出会え、一緒に良い時間を過ごせる場所です。

