
■開催期間:2022.3.17(Thu)-3.27(Sun) ※最終日は17:00まで

■レセプションパーティー:2022.3.26(Sat) 18:00-20:00 w/DJ:Sante Visioni


■アーティスト:LEON GALLO(イタリア出身)

ジャーナリストとして地元イタリアの歌手にインタビューしたこと から活動は始まりました。 2008年頃はイタリアの財政難でジャーナリストになるということは無料で働くことと同じで、 運が良ければ数百ユーロを手に入れられる程度でした。


まずはフランスと韓国へ行き取材し、写真を撮り始めたのは2017年のモンゴルです。 ナショナルジオグラフィックでもモンゴルは「世界で最もフォトジェニックな場所」に選出 され、私にもいい写真が撮れるのではと考えました。数ヶ月後にボロボロの反射板を購入しフォトグラファーとしての活動も始めました。



I had my first gigs as journalist interviewing local singers, and the staff of small, dusty museums always on the verge of bankruptcy.

Of those days, I remember the hectic traffic of Rome, and the dire financial straits of a country that never fully recovered from the 2008 economic crisis.

In Italy, being a journalist means working for free in most cases, and for a few hundred euros a month when you’re lucky.nth when you’re lucky.

Seeking fortune abroad was more of a necessity than anything.

So here I was, packing up for France, and South Korea soon after. But it wasn’t until Mongolia, in 2017, that I started photographing.

The year before, the National Geo graphic elected Mongolia the “most photogenic county in the world”. So, I thought, in a place like that, even a total beginner like me could take one or two decent pictures, if I shot about 2000.

I bought a secondhand reflex so old that it literally fell into pieces a few months after.

But since then, I always had a camera with me, and the successors of that reflex followed me in every new destination I reached: the US, Mexico, Morocco, Hong Kong and Macau, and in my numerous trips to Turkey.

I have a camera in my pocket even now, when I roam the streets of Tokyo in search of the odd this city hides behinds its surface.
